Polyhammer Logo

Tools for the next generation of 3D

Who We Are

Poly Hammer creates cutting-edge 3D tools and app integrations for asset pipelines.

What We Do

  • Tool Development: Poly Hammer identifies un-solved problems or missing pieces in the ever-evolving world of 3D graphics and develops tools to meet the artist's needs.
  • Open Source: We are firm proponents of contributing to the open source community, and actively maintain key open source projects for gaming pipelines such as the Epic Games BlenderTools repo.
  • Consulting Services: Having built game pipelines for some of the largest AAA titles in the industry, Poly Hammer knows what works and what doesn't. We can stand up a fully automated pipeline integrated with Flow Production Tracking for your next Unreal Game project that is designed for distributed studios with a remote workforce or studios that highly leverage outsourcing. We can do this in a matter of weeks and offer a full money back guarantee on all our services.

Join us on Github and help build the next generation of 3D tools.